
Sunday, March 13, 2022

Top 10 future technologies that will change our world!

Top 10 Future technologies

Technology has radically changed the lives of modern humans for thousands of years, although the speed of development has taken on a whole new dimension during the 20th century. In the 21st century, technological development is likely to only accelerate further and change humanity in many different ways. What will future technology look like?

This was a wish list for future technology, originally intended to inspire inventors. It might be fun to watch every year and see if anyone is working on these ideas for future technology. The inventions that are close to or very close to what I hope will soon be in the future technology available to us.

1. Free energy

In the future, individual energy cells will be connected to each other with the help of advanced software. Smart digital future technology and internet access will lay the foundations for a distributed generation network. Users will not only be able to generate their own electricity but will be able to share it.

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Free Energy 

The software will transform standalone units into a fully interactive intelligent power grid. Sensors will be integrated into any device or machine that operates on electricity. The future technology will provide information on energy prices, temperature, natural light and other environmental conditions.

Taking advantage of the constant flow of the latest information, it will direct the current where and when needed, at the cheapest price.

The end-user will be both a producer and a consumer of his own energy.

2. Conveyor

What technology is needed to mix up a person's atoms and send them for reconstruction to foreign lands, all with the eye? Imagine, you could work in Tokyo and sleep in Paris. Beam me up. 

We may operate transports without a driver in near future in general and how it can be done and what it will give us. Of course, this will not happen tomorrow or the day after tomorrow but future technology after 2025 in technologically developed countries and after 2035 in the rest and not all at once. What will happen immediately, however, in 2 to 3 years, is that in some transports, either in ports or short distances, there will be trucks for driverless transports. So there will be trucks within certain areas (either ports or industrial areas) where there will be demarcated lanes for driverless trucks. Volvo has released a video on what the future technology will be like in such places and it is very interesting.

3. Reproductive Technology (Stuff for Free)

Every time I saw Captain Picard (Star Trek Next Generation) order Earl Gray Tea or consultant Troy to get a triple alien tassel dessert from one of these copyists in the Company, it made me jealous. I imagine you could send the dirty dishes back to where they came from. The BTW, a player, is a device that uses conveyor technology to minimize the amount of matter and then reposition the matter in another form. Let's introduce Ultrasonic touch reproduction technology for VR applications

The future technology Ultrahaptics aspires to give a new dimension to virtual reality - which seems to be experiencing a "renaissance", thanks to devices like the Oculus Rift - a startup that develops technology that uses ultrasound to reproduce the sense of touch.

This technology is based on research by Carter and other scientists at the University of Bristol. If possible "resolution" can be improved, applications of this future technology could include interaction with objects in virtual reality games or improved interfaces for the visually impaired (Braille system in the air).

According to MIT  future technology Review report, Tom Carter, co-founder of the company and a computer technology graduate of the University of Bristol, argues that this technology could be used in areas such as virtual reality (VR) and gesture manipulation finding "position" in interfaces respectively those of Kinect or Leap Motion. The company's technology reflects waves in the user's hand in such a way as to create a different feeling on each finger. "You feel like you are interacting with an object and receiving direct tactile feedback," he notes.

4. Universal Communicator

future technology
Universal Communicator

Forget the big remote bills and roaming charges (especially working in Tokyo and sleeping in Paris) and introduce another future technology. We want a very small device that lets me talk and see anyone, anywhere and anytime. All for the price of the device and please drop the possibility for universal translation for a modest surcharge.

In the context of the diversification and reorganization of the overall communication design and the broader communication policy of its products, Coca-Cola Hellenic Greece decided to terminate the cooperation with Universal Media, for the provision of Media Buying services.

This decision, as Coca-Cola 3E points out in its announcement as future technology, is the result of a long process. Following the completion of the evaluation process of the proposals of both Universal Media and other potential partners, related to the Media strategy for the advertising of the company's products, Coca-Cola Hellenic Greece decided to change the Media service provider for all its products.

5. The cure

Why do you call it that?

Treatment of brain diseases with the growth of new cells?

Without witnesses: Twelve-year-old Yozi suffers from an unexplained illness. During a visit to the doctor, she disappears from the doctor's office without any trace. It will never be found. Four years later, her father and psychiatrist Victor Lawrence has been wrecked on a secluded North Sea island, trying to manage the incomprehensible loss of his daughter. Yes, Future technology will be like this.
Without a Corpse: Victor receives on the island the unexpected visit of a beautiful stranger. This is a writer, Anna Spiegel, who suffers from a rare form of schizophrenia. all the characters she creates in her books acquire - in her words - flesh and bones and begin to communicate with them. In her latest story, she wrote about a young girl who suffers from an unknown disease and disappeared without a trace.
Where is his daughter? Is it possible to hide information about Yozi's last days in Anna's illusions?
Victor is persuaded to undertake her treatment in a desperate attempt to find out the truth behind his daughter's disappearance. But very soon the sessions will take a dramatic turn, as the past will come to light, with frightening consequences.
Is it possible that the answer lies in the unthinkable?
Treatment has started…

6. Youth Fountain

As a woman, you see this as a desire, not for future technology. The "Fountain of Youth" was a legendary fountain that makes anyone who drinks from its waters permanently young. What is the real future technology that will extend our lives and keep us looking youthful without surgery?
Departure - Scientists discover cellular "source of youth" and anti-ageing medicine or longevity and anti-ageing medicine.

Kharkiv is also considered the city of fountains, as it has dozens in every corner. This Ukrainian city, according to a world tourist guide, is also home to one of the ten strangest fountains in the world. This fountain represents a couple of strange young people who manage to kiss even though they are separated by a long distance. Their passion and love overcome obstacles and a passionate kiss rewards their efforts.

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Youth Fountain

7. Field of Protective Power

Wonderful future technology to protect us from sticks and stones.

Field of Power for Astronauts

Is it possible to create a chamber without gravity in the effect space of a gravitational field? As we know, astronauts on satellites orbiting the Earth can and do float in the satellite. This raises the question: Since the satellite is under the influence of the Earth's gravitational field, why do astronauts not realize it? The answer is that conditions of apparent lack of gravity have been created.

What can be done by future technology is to create conditions of apparent weightlessness? That is, we can create conditions in which while gravitational force is exerted on us we do not understand it.
For example, suppose a man is at home weighing himself on a scale. The scales measure the vertical support force F (through the compression of an internal spring) which in this case has a measure equal to the weight B of the person at the point where he is. (Note: The weight does not have a fixed value depending on the place where the person is as well as his distance from the Earth).

8. Flying cars

We need a smooth path all the way and I hope it is convertible.
Departure - How to fly cars, flying cars ready to take off, flying cars cheaper than SUV.

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Flying Car

If there are people who have already thought about flying cars, future technology will not give us chances to wait long. Experts' forecasts speak of a start year in 2024 when imaginative drivers will be able to acquire a winged car, although the necessary and much-needed institutional framework for this new form of traffic requires much more time. And, clearly, it also creates a headache. The estimate goes to Hugh Martin, CEO of Lacuna Technologies, a company that helps cities shape their transport policies. "There is a gap between when cars can fly and when they are safe and reliable to fly in the sky," Martin told CNBC. "Depending on what your audience is.

9. Robotics and robots

Modern robots have mechanical and mental abilities that previously belonged to the realm of science fiction. Their development will continue with future technology to expand with new types of robots suitable for industry, science and everyday human life. Already today there are flying unmanned vehicles-robots, robotic guides (robotic sticks) for the blind, robot soccer players, polyps of volcanic detection robots, swarms of collaborating robots, robotic insects, etc. Research and development in this direction continue uninterruptedly having as a basic priority the safety and comfort of man and his liberation from difficult, painful and dangerous work.

10. The time machine

An intelligent scientist H. G. Wells has invented the machine with capabilities inconceivable to the human mind. In the distant future, it is among the beautiful creatures of the Eloi tribe, living in a paradise environment. But why are they afraid of the dark?

Will the time traveller be able to unlock the terrible secrets of future technology? And will he be able to escape the evil that surrounds him, find his lost engine again and return to his safety today where he started?

So what does tomorrow have in store for us? And what will be the fate of the human race in the end?

We will discuss these future technologies as soon.

