
Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Most about High-Tech: Professions by Passion

What is high-tech?

Technology is often seen as essential to social and economic development. Innovation is very strong in this area and particularly in high-tech. This article, therefore, aims to explain what technology is, its evolution, its usefulness, and its limits, both for high technology (high-tech) and for low technology.

Definition of technology

Technology is the study of the tools, techniques, and machines that are used in our society. It is therefore the knowledge necessary to manufacture machines such as computers, dishwashers, to set up techniques for water filtration, waste management, or even to manufacture tools such as pickaxes, brooms, or knitting needles. Technology is fundamental for our society because it has allowed us to develop and acquire a certain comfort today. Human beings have been using technologies for a long time and continue to discover new techniques. Each discovery has made it possible to improve the daily lives of human beings and to promote their development on earth.

Definition of High-tech

In general, technologies can be classified according to their level of research and development (R&D). Thus, any sector where companies invest heavily in R&D is considered high-tech, such as information technology, aeronautics, or even pharmaceuticals. Conversely, low technology is an area in which very little R&D is invested.

A high-tech

More and more often, high-tech is considered as one, even The solution to solve the problems facing humanity, and in particular climate change.

For several decades, particular emphasis has been placed on the development of high-tech, which is considered one of the major assets for economic growth in the 21st century, the era of knowledge. Many governments support innovation and high-tech start-ups, convinced that this is a sector that will grow strongly, generate great added value and many jobs. However, this theory is refuted in various articles, which explain that a majority of job creation is not linked to high-tech, but mainly to the medium and low technology sectors.

Limits of high technology 

Today, we face a major environmental and physical challenge, the limits of the planet's resources. Indeed, our planet does not have unlimited resources to support us and we must therefore adapt to be able to continue to live in a healthy environment. The productions of high-tech, due to its great complexity, is very fond of energy and primary resources. Thus, high-tech becomes necessary to rethink the need and use of each of the technologies that we currently use.

For all the technologies we use, we can ask ourselves the question that Is it possible to obtain the same service with a technology requiring fewer resources? If yes, then this track should be developed. If not, then a second question appears: Do we agree to affect the environment to access this service?

Innovation or backtracking?

Innovation is not only about high-tech. Thus, we can also innovate in low technology, to find simple and ingenious solutions to complex problems.

Low tech is not necessarily a throwback, a throwback to the cave age. It can also be a technological development, a search for greater efficiency, and new ways of meeting our needs. When we seek to develop technologies that do not consume fossil fuels and that are simple to manufacture, what could be better than looking at the solutions of our ancestors? Indeed, until the Industrial Revolution, human society was carbon neutral. It emitted no more carbon than could be absorbed. Why not learn from their techniques?

The “green-techs” and the “clean techs” in all this?

Green-techs is high-tech and clean techs also high-tech that are developed to reduce an impact on the environment or to find a less polluting version of existing high-tech. However, these technologies may still have a significant environmental impact or may carry their environmental impacts beyond the point of consumption. For example, electric car batteries require resources that have a significant environmental impact, while the electric car could reduce the impact on the climate compared to a thermal car in a country with low-carbon electricity. high-tech requires a lot of knowledge, technique, and resources for their manufacture. They cannot, therefore, be compared to low technologies, which aim to make technology accessible and to reduce its complexity and its impact on the environment.


Many examples of low tech exist. There are many that you already know, such as the broom, the scythe, or the clothesline, which replace the vacuum cleaner, the lawnmower, and the dryer. There are also other lesser-known ones, such as dry compost toilets, fireless cooking pots to cook food with inertial heat, or the mass stove to burn wood at high temperature to reduce the amount of fuel for the same cooking. You will find additional information on these examples at the end.

high-tech and low technology have many advantages, but also disadvantages. Given the strong current constraints, particularly environmental, it seems important to us to think carefully about the role of technologies, their uses, and their impacts on the climate and our resources. Low technologies have the advantage of being able to meet our basic needs while greatly limiting our impact on the environment during their production, use, and end of life. However, key sectors such as medicine, but also IT or communication, need high-tech for their operation. Both low and high technologies can thus be complementary. In summary, it is important to weigh the pros and cons before choosing a technology.

"Statistics on high-tech industry and knowledge-intensive services" (sometimes simply referred to as high-tech statistics) includes data on the economy, employment as well as science, technology, and innovation (STI) which describe manufacturing and service activities, marketed products, and applied patents based on their technological intensity. Three approaches are used in this field to determine technological intensity: the sectoral approach, the product approach, and the patent approach.

Make high-tech your profession

The sectoral approach is a particular aggregation of manufacturing industries according to the level of their technological intensity ( R&D expenditure /added value) and based on the Statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community ( NACE Rev. 2), at 2 or 3 digit level, to establish different groups. Manufacturing activities are grouped into high-tech, medium-high-tech, medium-low-tech, and low-tech. Services activities, on the other hand, are mainly grouped into knowledge-intensive services (KIS) and less knowledge-intensive services SMIC”, these groups being defined according to a similar logic, at the 2-digit level of NACE Rev.

What is high-tech? Most about High technology say High-Tech Professions by passion high technology (high-tech) Innovation choose high-tech your career

The product approach takes into account the level of technological intensity of the products of manufacturing industries and similarly identifies trade in high-tech products. The list of high-tech products is based on calculations of R&D intensity by product groups (R&D expenditure/total sales). Groups classified as high-tech products are aggregated based on the SITC.

The patent approach examines whether or not a patent is high-tech and also defines biotechnology patents. Groups are aggregated based on the International Patent Classification (IPC), 8th edition, just like biotechnology patents. The following technical areas are defined as high-tech IPC groups:

  • aviation
  • communications technology
  • computer and office
  • lasers
  • micro-organisms and genetic engineering
  • semiconductors

As a tech fan, you can practice at different levels:-

As an engineer, to operate, maintain and improve systems. Multiple specialities are available: networks, computer and telecom networks, IT, electronics, automatic engineering, home automation.

As a technician, with the same specialities as engineers. They install the solutions in the field, to meet the needs expressed. In high-tech, to guarantee companies the confidentiality of their information.

In robotics or automation, artificial intelligence and for good reason, you are not only a

What is high-tech? Most about High technology say High-Tech Professions by passion high technology (high-tech) Innovation choose high-tech your career
Robotics- A demandable  High-Tech

spectator with 10 apps open at the same time, but you are also interested in the operation behind it.

I propose to you to know the trades of technology and to discover the role which you can play there. Let's go!

Engineers and technicians in High-Tech:

Exercising in high-tech (high technology) requires experts in their field. Cutting-edge technology is highly sought after by companies, especially to guarantee the security of IT and telecom tools. And that's where the pros come in.

Engineers focus on research and theoretical development to improve computer systems and networks, keeping pace with technological developments.

Technicians apply best practices in the field. They know how the systems work (computers, networks, telecoms, etc.) inside out.

These professionals check the smooth running of the processes so that the company's employees have access to the information they need at all times, securely. The biggest threat is viruses. Engineers and technicians have among their missions, to protect against viruses and hackers to prevent the leak of information, its degradation, its propagation.

Be at the heart of innovation

Have you ever wondered by what invention you can call your boyfriend in Mexico from France? Well, it's not me who's going to explain it to you, but the telecom engineers! They had to find the solution, invent the tool to meet this need. The network technicians test the solutions and implement them when the tests are successful. Innovation is everywhere, it's up to you to find your favourite field in technology. Here are two examples:

Robotics: maintaining a certain temperature in a greenhouse, triggering the vacuum cleaner remotely, preventing a burglary. Here, the engineers specialize in automation and home automation.

Computer science: you are surely familiar with voice recognition! It is here the engineers and technicians in artificial intelligence, computer science,e and electronics who have sought, invented, tested,d, and implemented it.

Advise, pass on your passion

Not all tech experts are immersed 24/7 in their algorithms and testing! No, they're not all geeks. On the contrary, some of them spend most of their time transmitting their passion and advising consumers. You can devote yourself to training users: assimilating the operation of new hardware and software, assisting them, or troubleshooting them. Marketing high-tech products, advising consumers to choose the best solution to meet their needs is also very rewarding for technology professionals.

If these trades speak to you well, then it is because you already have the commercial fibre, the sense of contact, the taste for sharing, and pedagogy. As the high-tech sector is highly specialized, companies have difficulty recruiting, this is called shortage occupations:

  • Director of IT Services
  • Systems and Networks Technician
  • Infrastructure Technician
  • Systems Administrator
  • IT asset manager
  • Support and Production Technician

The qualities that will make your job easier:

Speaking of pedagogy, here are the qualities that will make you technology experts, whether in research laboratories, in training rooms, or stores: Rigour, Project management: You will enjoy managing teams, coordinating them according to the project. Team spirit and also autonomy.

Fluency in professional English is required, it is the universal language for developers. This is essential since you will find cases similar to your, and in some cases your solution, in international forums where English is spoken. Be able to write a report, structured explanatory notes using technical and scientific vocabulary.

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